Green Tea Sugar Scrub

A couple of weeks ago I discovered Instagram and posting pictures on Instagram requires a phone. And because I can use my Instagram pictures for my blog, too, I've neglected my camera for quite some time now. So much time that I don't know where I've left it. Or maybe I've even lost it. When we went to Paris last week, I wanted to bring it, and that was the first time I actually missed my camera. I feel a bit guilty now, because the thing is: I love my camera. It's small, does anything I want, pictures are always sharp and uploading is easy. Except when you want your pictures on Instagram, and that's why I didn't use it for the last couple of weeks. So, please, pray for me I'll find it!


This week I made new scrub. As you may remember, my favorite scrub is my homemade Lavender Sugar Scrub, but I was in for something new and made Green Tea Scrub this time.
Here's the recipe:
1 cup of Cocos Oil
1 cup of Granulated Sugar
8 teaspoons of Green Tea (strong and cooled)
1 teabag of Green Tea
drop of Lemon Essential Oil

Mix all the ingredients together and it's ready to use!


My Star Pillow was featured last week by Creative Jewish Mom and Denverista!!

Thank you, ladies!!


  1. Hoe heet je op Instagram? ER zijn honderden Howling at the moon-gebruikers >D

  2. I know the feeling about a lost camera. Mine rode on the back bumper of my husband's truck for two days until we discovered where I had left it. I have never made my own sugar scrub. Is there special storing directions? Thank you for sharing at Make It Monday.

    1. Just today I found my camera! It was laying behind the books in the bookcase. I'm so happy I have it back!

      There's no special storage needed for the scrub. I keep it in the bathroom.

      Thanks for visiting!

  3. How fun!!! And I bet it has a lovely fragrance! Thanks so much for linking up at Snickerdoodle Sunday- hope you'll come back later this week with your latest makes and bakes!

    Sarah (Sadie Seasongoods)

    1. Yes, it has! Subtile, but lovely! Thanks for visiting!

  4. This sound so refreshing! I'm a sucker for homemade sugar scrubs. I'm pinning to give it a try. (Found you on Merry Monday)

  5. Great gift idea! Thanks for sharing!

  6. This is great! Thank you for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.


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