Bellator Romanus

After finishing the hat for my colleague's daughter, I made more headgear this week.  

We have a tomcat, named Ronnie, who's favorite waste of time is chasing other cats around the neighbourhood, but what he likes even more, is fighting. Ronnie isn't looking very handsome anymore as a result. He has lost a large part of his tail, because another cat bit in it and after being infected that part had to be amputated. Besides that he has scratches all the time. And because Ronnie is a white cat, you see everything: dirt, mud, dust and blood. He's a real fighter and that's why I made this Roman fighter helmet for him. It really fits his character! Looks good on him, too, as you see!

Of course I made this just to make a picture of him (and laugh at him), he can't wear this outside the house. Although it would be hilarious to see him proudly walking the streets with his helmet on.
And for the record: he didn't mind at all to wear it. He actually gave me a cat kiss, with the helmet on. Think that means: "Thanks, thanks, thanks! This is what I wanted all my life!".


My Flower Hat was featured this week by Oombawka Designs, by Scrapality, by Creative Jewish Mom, by Sew Can Do and by I Gotta Create!

Thank you, Rhondda, Andrea, Sara, Cheryl and Christina!


  1. It would indeed be hilarious to see him walk the streets with his helmet :-)
    It totally fits his personality,as I can read.
    Nice work and good idea!

  2. Oh my word! That is absolutely hilarious. I love it! I saw the picture on Talented Tuesdays and just had to click over. Well done. I would definitely let him roam the neighborhood in it. :) Thanks for the smile today!

  3. I have no words- you made my morning :)

  4. I can see why your flower hat was featured! It's adorable! Your kitty is funny and that is quite the helmet you made for him.

  5. The look on his face is hilarious. Nicely done!

  6. Haha, I love it! I know that put-upon expression from many forced pictures of our poor dog and cat! ;)

  7. That last picture... He looks so... Happy... Lol. But seriously, it's a great pattern and fits him well. Cute idea!

    1. Hahaha, that was just after our other cat laughed at him! When I put the helmet on his head, he rubbed his nose against my cheek (to show affection, not to lose the helmet). I think that means 'Finally! Thank you, thank you, thank you, I wanted this all my life!', haha!

    2. Lol, he reminds me much of one we used to have - although a different color - same shape and attitude. I can see exactly how that went. :)

  8. Omg that's so funny, check out that contemptous look he's giving you haha!

  9. This hat is amazing. It's too bad that Ronnie fights so much, but this hat is amazing.

  10. Adorable! The cat looks so cute in this hat!

  11. No way any of my cats would allow me to make them wear anything at all! Our big tomcat Max was just the same, did not mind fighting martens nor foxes, let alone other tomcats. We got him fixed by the vet and its much better now (though he still does not mind coming across martens - which means more visits to the vet's... Sigh!). He did put on a little weight though. I could try talking him into a hat like yours (just to scare him off fighting), maybe he would think things over next time...

    1. Fixing Ron by the vet didn't stop him from fighting, haha! Even his age (he's twelve) doesn't hold him back. The thing is: in the house he's as gentle as a lamb, even a bit of a fathead, so putting a helmet on is simple. He was even purring! But as soon as he's outside and sees another cat, he goes wild. It's just cat testosteron, I think.

  12. So funny!
    There's not enough cats in hats in this world :)
    I hope you will share your post with Idea Box:


    1. Thank you for linking up last week!
      Your post has been featured :)

  13. Oh my god, a roman empire cat... Great idea... Mila

  14. Hahaha! He looks so good! Thanks for the laugh today!

  15. Ha, that's awesome! I too have dressed my cats just for the laugh and photo. :) Thanks for sharing on #SmallVictoriesSundayLinkup!

  16. How adorable! Sharing with my daughter in-law who will probably like this for her cat!

  17. So cute, with or without the helmet! #CreativeMonday

  18. Liz, I have a stitch from laughing. This is so cute and funny! Well done! Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frugal. Love, Mimi xxx

  19. Too cute!!! I love this. I am making a bumble bee costume for Vivee my husky. It will be on the bowdabra blog next week.
    Thanks so much for sharing them at the Bowdabra Saturday Crafty Showcase!!!

  20. This is cracking me up! He looks fierce! Thanks for linking up at The Alder Collective Link Party! Your posts have been pinned to the party board, too. We hope to see you next Tuesday at 8 EST!

  21. Funny, ferocious kitty!

  22. So cute! I wish I had a kitty to crochet for.... Wait! My friend has a small dog! Haha! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!


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