The Little Princess

Finally, I did get some comments on something I made (namely the felted wool cats)! After two months of fruitless blogging without any reaction, I wondered if there were people out there that actually read my blog. But I’m proud to say: there are! Thank you Kelly, Pat, Jill and Denise for your kind regards. I start this new blogging year with refreshed enthusiasm!

This last week I worked on some head gear. Because of the upcoming birthday I made a little crown of felted wool for my daughter:


  1. Love the crown - I have a princess with a birthday coming up in March. I'll have to make one for her!

  2. Thank you, Sarah! Show me the result when it's finished, okay?

  3. love the creative...I wanted to follow you but you don't have a follower button that I could find...

  4. Wow, you are my first follower! Thanks!

  5. Found you on Skip to my Lou. Such a fantastic post! Would you please share this with our readers for Fun Stuff Fridays?

    1. Thank you, Lindsi! And of course I want to share. Have a nice day!

    2. Hi Lindsi,

      I've tried to link up, but for some reason I can't open the links on your blog.

  6. Keep blogging!! Thanks so much for joining us on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". We loved having you and hope to see you back next week with more great ideas! - The Sisters

  7. Thanks again, Sisters! See you next week!

  8. Gorgeous crown!!! What little girl wouldn't love this!!! The hand stitching really looks good.


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