Sinterklaas Decoratie

Today's the day Sinterklaas and his friends (all called Pete) will arrive in the Netherlands, the saint who's bringing lots of gifts to the children. He will stay for three weeks. The first three weeks children put one of their shoes before the fireplace, filled with carrots and hay for the white horse Sinterklaas is riding on (called Amerigo), and in the night Sinterklaas or Pete will come over the rooftops and through the chimney and put presents and sweets in the shoes. It's all folklore, of course (except for the presents). 
Three weeks later, always at the 5 of december, it's Pakjesavond (St Nicholas' Eve). Sinterklaas and all Petes visit houses where children live, knock on the door and leave sacks, bags, boxes and laundry-baskets full of presents on the doorstep.  

To bring the house in Sinterklaas mood, I made some drawings. 

The text says 'See the moon shining through the trees', the first line of a Sinterklaas song.


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