We live in an little old mansion and are renovating for quite a while now. Finally the renovating of the kitchen will be coming to an end soon. We moved the kitchen to the souterrain. The kitchen is much larger now and you can enter the garden from the kitchen, which is a big pro, I think. Actually it's all pro's, except for one thing: there's a window through which every person who is passing our house can see us in our kitchen eating, cooking, watching tv and such. Maybe it's just me, but I don't like it at all to be in full sight. My husband will make shutters for the window, but has to do a lot of other jobs around the kitchen, so the shutters are somewhere in the lower regions of his to do list. For the time being I made this curtain in a frame, to stand behind the window. The cat has the same posture as my cat Sjakie, who died two years ago. It's like the cat is watching over us and that's just what Sjakie saw as his most important task in his c...