Fruit Slices

Now that Valentine's Day is over, I can show you some other little projects I made for my youngest daughter's Birthday Party. To start with this crocheted fruit slices that can be shoved over straws.

Clockwise: lemon, grapefruit, watermelon, watermelon, orange, kiwi, pitaya, apple.

I found this idea here.


My Flamingo Pink Birthday Bunting (also a project I made for the before mentioned birthday party) was featured by Fine Craft Guild. When your project is the most clicked at Rose's link party, she gives you the honor to participate in her next link party as a co-host! So come on and join us!

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When you link up, this means that you love for us to Pin, G+ and/or otherwise promote your wonderful photos & ideas across social media platforms and on this blog, and you are giving us permission to use your photos and ideas for this purpose. Typically, themed-features will/can be promoted on an ongoing basis. Those that are featured in next week party in the party post are typically promoted during that party week. Exceptions apply.


  1. Ooooh, wat zijn die schijfjes fruit schattig!!


  2. They look so realistic, thank you so sharing. :)

  3. Cute fruit slices - love how they fit on a straw

  4. sweet! these would be great for a summer themed party!

  5. How fun to party with you this week, and these fruit sticks are perfect for parties! Yes, summery but I can see them fun in pastel pink and white just the same for a wonderful Spring outdoor affair....

  6. These fruit slices are such a good idea!

  7. Oh my goodness! Those fruit slices are just adorable! Thank you for sharing them. I found you via Five Star Frou Frou! :)

  8. These fruit slices are too cute - my daughters will love these! As you said they are a super idea for parties.

  9. wow! these look so sweet and amazing cute! Thank you for sharing it with us #pintorials

  10. Liz, you make me smile every week! I'll be sure to link up too! Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frou-Frou this week. Love, Mimi xxx

  11. These are fantastic - I need to learn to crochet #Tuesdaytutorials

  12. Really adorable, fabulous infact. And if you photographed it on white (just get a piece of white foamcore) it would be really amazing, hope you don't mind the little hint. Thanks so much for sharing on craft schooling sunday!

  13. These are adorable! Especially on the straw! Great job :)

  14. Ooh! Great fruit slices! Thanks for sharing with #FiberTuesday!

  15. Oh my gosh those are soooo cute! How fun would that be to make for kids to have in their play kitchens, and totally washable! Thanks for sharing this at #HappinessIsHomemade this week, love it!

  16. Hi Liz,
    These fruit slices are so cute! I think my favorites are the orange and lemon slices. What a clever idea.
    Thanks for sharing and linking up to #TALENTEDTuesday.

  17. I love your cute fruit slices you crocheted.
    TFS this at Cooking and Crafting with J & J.

  18. These are so cute, I wish I could crochet! Thanks for sharing on #HappinessisHomemade

  19. What fun! Your crocheted Fruit Slices are so pretty. Thank you for sharing them with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop. Sharing!

  20. LOVE this idea! I wish I could make these- I am so inspired! Thanks for sharing with the Pretty Project Party! xoxo- Heather

  21. Congratulations! This post is going to be featured over at Diana Rambles tomorrow and has been pinned in the Featured at Diana Rambles board at Pinterest and Tweeted. Please grab a featured button off my button page or via the post guidelines graphic. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!

    1. Thank you so much for featuring my fruit slices, Diana!! I wanted to thank you at your own blog, but I don't have Google+ and it seems like you can't post comments then. Have a great weekend!

  22. These are too cute!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  23. Congratulations your post has been featured.:)


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