
Showing posts from November, 2016

Shawl with Fringes

A colleague I know from three jobs ago saw some of my crocheted works (oh, the delights of Facebook) and asked me to crochet her a shawl. She's a fervent knitter herself, but doesn't know how to crochet, so she sent me a pattern and a box of wool, and after her waiting for a couple of months because of some bags I had to finish first, I can finally present her this: ~*~ My Birthday Mochila was featured by Pattern Paradise , Pieced Pastimes , Creative Jewish Mom and by France Nadeau this week!! Thanks, ladies!

Meer Sinterklaas Decoratie

Met mijn jongste heb ik Sinterklaasmijters geknutseld, voor nog meer Sinterklaassfeer in de keuken. Het idee hadden we op Pinterest gezien, evenals de lantaarn (print uit, smeer in met zonnebloemolie, zodat het papier transparant wordt en plak op een glazen pot).  

Fat Cats

This week I had two visits to colleagues who just delivered babies and they both know I sometimes I make things with my hook, so I knew for sure they expected handmade stuff. But after all the mochila orders in the last couple of months, I didn't had much time to make somethings else than that, so I had to settle for two not too complicated handmade cats, made complete with some things from the store. I thing they look really good together! You can find the pattern here . ~*~ My Crochet Choker was featured by Oombawka Design , by France Nadeau , by Scrapality , by Creative Jewish Mom and by City of Creative Dreams this week! Thanks, Rhondda, France, Andrea, Sara and Shanice!

Wanted #48

Darling Tunic by Johnny Was

Birthday Mochila

For my friend I made this mochila for her birthday. I made eight mochilas now since summer and I know I said this  before, but it's enough. At least for now.   ~*~ Frida Kahlo was featured by Creative Jewish Mom and by Sew Can Do !  Thank you, Sara and Cheryl!


Dit zou wel eens het laatste jaar kunnen zijn dat we Sinterklaas vieren met een gelovige in huis. Mijn oudste dochter twijfelde al een poosje, maar toen ze me van de zomer haar (enorme) lijst met wensen liet zien en ik haar vroeg waarom ze die aan mij liet zien en niet naar Sinterklaas stuurde, bekende ze dat ze dacht dat ik eigenlijk degene ben die de cadeautjes koopt. Mijn jongste daarentegen is nog heilig overtuigd van het bestaan van de goedheiligman. Om te waarborgen dat mijn oudste het Grote Geheim niet aan mijn jongste vertelt, heb ik gezegd dat ik geen reden heb om nog Sinterklaas nog te vieren (en dus cadeaus te kopen) zodra haar zusje het weet, dus dat ze ook in haar eigen belang beter niets kan zeggen. Vooralsnog werkt het uitstekend.  Met het oprechte geloof van mijn jongste in mijn hoofd, vind ik het leuk om het huis nog een keer in complete Sinterklaassfeer te brengen. Deze week maakte ik een krans van strijkkralen. 

Wanted #47

Boots by Tony Lama

Crochet Choker

There's a Christmas Diner at the school of my daughters every year and they all want to look their best. So I order (what my daughters think) the most beautiful dress at H&M every year, bring them to my SIL, who can make art of the most dull and spiritless hair, and for the occasion I put a little bit mascara on their lashes.  My oldest daughter wanted a black satin dress with embroidered faux pearls. On Pinterest I saw a beautiful crocheted choker, that would fit perfectly with the dress. Unfortunately the pattern wasn't available for order anymore in the accompanying Etsy store , so I had to make something up. And here's The Dress! ~*~ My Fall Mochila was featured this week by Oui Crochet and by Oombawka Design ! Thank you very much, Susie and Rhondda!!

Sinterklaas Decoratie

Today's the day Sinterklaas and his friends (all called Pete) will arrive in the Netherlands, the saint who's bringing lots of gifts to the children. He will stay for three weeks. The first three weeks children put one of their shoes before the fireplace, filled with carrots and hay for the white horse Sinterklaas is riding on (called Amerigo), and in the night Sinterklaas or Pete will come over the rooftops and through the chimney and put presents and sweets in the shoes. It's all folklore, of course (except for the presents).  Three weeks later, always at the 5 of december, it's Pakjesavond (St Nicholas' Eve). Sinterklaas and all Petes visit houses where children live, knock on the door and leave sacks, bags, boxes and laundry-baskets full of presents on the doorstep.   To bring the house in Sinterklaas mood, I made some drawings.  The text says 'See the moon shining through the trees', the first line of a Sinterklaas song. www.betweenn...

Wanted #46

 Savage Peacock Bag by Banned

Frida Kahlo

One of my favorite painters...

Fall Mochila

A couple of weeks ago I showed you a bag I made for a former colleague, who has a boots and bags store now. She asked me to make two, so here's the other one. And here are the two bags together We made a deal: she got two bags, I got one handmade pair of Tony Lama boots from her store.  Boots that I wanted for quite some time. Oh, how I love'em!!     ~*~ My other Fall Mochila was featured by Threading My Way this week! Thank you, Pam!!

Wanted #45

Western Boots by Sendra

Dia de los Muertos Bracelet

Because I really can't have enough of Sugar Skulls I made another Dia de los Muertos bracelet. Just in time. ~*~ My Spooky Pumpkin , living in the Haunted Dolls House, was featured by Oui Crochet ! And my Eye Balls were featured by Oombawka Design ! Thank you, Susie and Rhondda!