About three weeks ago I lost my beloved cat Sjakie . He was very attached to our family, especially me, and before all he wanted to protect us from what he thought was evil. Fighting with other cats and even (large) dogs he therefore saw as his duty. Because of a fight with a neighborhood cat he got an abces in his neck, so we had to go to the vet to release it. But the vet identified cardiomyopathy of Sjakie’s little heart, also. He recommended us to go for an echografy of the heart at another clinic, because our vet didn’t have the proper equipment. I wanted Sjakie’s abces to heal first, before going to another clinic, because my cat was so stressed, he scratched everybody in the treatment chamber and even bit me. Three weeks later I came home from work and found him panting and with paralyzed paws and tail. Due to his heart disease two embolisms had hit him, one in his aorta and one in his lungs. He was in a lot of pain, very short-breathed and scared to death. ...