Chicken Shoarma

The most favorite dish in our home is chicken with Cajun seasoning and garlic sauce. We call it ‘Chicken Shoarma’, but that’s just because of the pita rolls (although you can take shoarma seasoning instead of Cajun seasoning to make it real chicken shoarma, of course).

  • What you need for 4 persons:
-          4 pita rolls
-          3 chicken breasts
-          Cajun seasoning mix
-          100 cc yoghurt
-          tablespoon mayonnaise
-          1 garlic clove, cut into very tiny pieces
-          dried parsley

  • Cut the chicken breasts in little pieces and sprinkle with Cajun seasoning. Cook in some oil until golden brown. Meanwhile stir parsley, mayonnaise, garlic and yoghurt until you have a smooth sauce. Make four portions and spoon each portion in a pita roll. Pour sauce over it. Serve with salad and fries.  Enjoy!


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