Woven Paper Egg

While searching for DIY Easter decorations some beautiful paper woven eggs came along in my Pinterest feed and clicking from one woven paper egg to another I found a template but very short instructions. There was a link to a book about paper weaving though, so I bought the book. The weaving didn't look as if it would be very hard to do, but honestly, it took me hours before I had an egg that looked just a little bit as the ones in the book. So what you definitely need is patience, but also you have to cut out all pieces very precisely to end up with a nice result. Also possible: maybe it's just me not very good at paper weaving while you find it isn't difficult at all). I have had enough weaving for now, but maybe I will make some woven balls for my Christmas tree this year. Book: The Art of Paper Weaving by Anna and Lene Schepper (book contains templates and instructions) ~*~ My Bunny Bark was featured by Keeping It Real , Life on...