Palm Sunday Crosses and Easter Bunnies

When I was a child, in the village where I grew up were two schools. One was for Catholics, the other one was a public school, for all other kids. Kindergarten classes were all in the same building and maybe that was the reason the public school kids also decorated a cross for Palm Sunday. After the crafting part all kids together went in a sort of procession through our village with the crosses.

Since Kindergarten I never saw decorated crosses again, but I thought it was nice to make them with my daughters last week. So my husband made three crosses, we made figures from salt dough and decorated the crosses with the figures, chocolate eggs and crepe paper.

Do you know about this tradition for kids? Of course I know about the great processions, especially in Spain, but beside in my own village, I've never seen them for kids.

On the first day of Easter I have duty in the OR, but the second day my whole family will come over for a brunch. While the salt dough figures were baking I made some polymer clay bunnies to decorate the brunch table with.


  1. I remember this well as went to a convent school. They still have the decorated palm crossed at our church and they are so pretty

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely family time:) #handmademonday

  3. Thanks for sharing at the Pleasures of the NW DIY party

  4. I'm not seen decorated palm crosses like this before. I went to a Church of England Primary school and we used to be given little crosses made of palm leaves (at least I assume they were) and used to keep them and use them as bookmarks until they fell apart.
    These are really lovely and your little polymer clay rabbits are so cute.

  5. I've never seen decorated palm crosses before either. I always remember being given a cross made of a palm leaf on Palm Sunday and that is a tradition we still have here in the Church of England. Your crosses are very pretty and I do love those little bunnies! Thank you so much for being a part of Hearth and Soul, Liz.

  6. What a fun family activity! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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