Cake for Cat

Last night we made a great deal: we exchanged a homemade cake for an adorable little tomcat! 




Naked Cake with Poppy Seeds and Lemon Cream, topped with White Chocolate and Summer Fruit


What you need

For 2 cakes:

2x200 grams butter

2x200 grams sugar

2x3 eggs

2x250 grams cake mix

2x50cc milk 

2x2 tablespoons poppy seeds

500 grams mascarpone

1 lemon

25 grams of vanilla sugar

white fondant

2 tablespoons  cream 

100 grams white chocolate

summerfruit (raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, redberries, blueberries etc)


What to do

Preheat oven at 160 degrees Celsius

Mix the butter until soft. 

Add sugar and mix until smooth

Add eggs one by one and mix after adding each egg

Add milk and poppy seeds

Mix for three minutes

Bake the cake for an hour

Make the other cake (or you can make the two cakes simultaneously, if your oven is big enough and if you have two cake pans of exactly the same size)

Let the cakes cool down and cut them both into two layers (so you a total of four cake layers)

Grate the lemon peel and mix it with the mascarpone and the vanilla sugar

Smear mascarpone on top of three of the cake layers and stack them. Smear a small amount on the upper cake layer (just enough to make the fondant stick) and on the sides.

Roll the fondant flat and cut out a circle that's just as wide as the cake (use the cake pan for measurement). Put it on top of the cream on the upper cake layer. 

Heat the cream au bain marie and melt the white chocolate in it

Make drippings on the side of the cake and cover the top of the cake with the melted white chocolate.The fondant makes the chocolate to stay on top instead of soak the cake.

Top the cake of with all sorts of summer fruit




If you think the cake looks nice, then what do you think of this handsome little man:


 No description available.



No description available.


  1. What a beautiful cake and such an adorable kitten!!

  2. The cake looks delicious, but that kitty is the cutest!!!

    1. Thank you, Sarah. The kitten is such a sweety. We named him James and he already listens his that name. So cute

  3. What a beautiful cake! It looks absolutely delicious, Liz. Your little cat if very gorgeous too! Thank you so much for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community.

  4. This cake looks absolutely gorgeous! And delicious! Thank you for sharing with Charming Homes and Gardens!

  5. wow, totally worth it! thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

    1. Same thought! One of the best trades ever. It is such a sweet little cat!

  6. Replies
    1. Certainly is! Such a cute little tomcat he is.

  7. That looks absolutely stunning and delicious!

  8. Gorgeous cake and I bet tasty as well. Your kitty is darling. thanks for sharing at Love Your Creativity. I am happy to feature your lovely cake on Sunday.

  9. The cake looks amazing but I think you got a good deal! This will be a feature at Handmade Monday this week :-)

  10. Oh how sweet! What a lovely new kitty! And that cake is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing at Charming Homes & Gardens!

    1. The kitty is such an asset. I love every moment with that little one.

  11. He is adorable. Congratulations! I'm sure the cake is delicious too. #HomeMattersParty

    1. Yes, he is. Very sweet and affectionate, too. Wants to sit on my lap all the time.

  12. Thank you for sharing your cake recipe at Meraki Link Party - Your kitty is adorable. We have six cats. Oldest is 14 years while youngest is 2 years old. All are rescue cats with some ailment but they are perfect in my eyes. We hope to see you this week too.


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