Baby Presents

Last month my friend has delivered a cute baby girl. This is how I packed the presents, to make it look a bit more attractive than just bunch of presents in a bag. 

And this is what was in the presents:

Baby Pyramid Toy

Pastel Ripple Blanket
Besides the home made presents I bought some baby clothes, socks and a piggy bank.


Something else: if you like vintage, sewing and bullet bras, then go to Brittany's site 
Va-Voom Vintage for a sew along!

Va-Voom Bullet Bra Sew-Along


  1. I've never seen anything like your little pyramid toy -- that's neat!

  2. Sure lots of gifts to be appreciated:) you are very kind:)

  3. Such a cute idea! Thank you for sharing at One More Time Events...hugs Tammy

  4. I love your Pastel Ripple Blanket! so cute and girly! great idea, I'm sure your present were relly very appreciated!

  5. Congrats to your friend! Love your packaging and seriously that toy is so perfectly sweet! Thanks for sharing to Sunday FUNday!

  6. What lovely gifts I bet your friend was so pleased. :)

  7. Such a neat gift idea. Thanks for sharing at Silver Pennies Sundays! x

  8. Hi the blanket and the toy and so pretty and cute! You did a great job crocheting them. I saw it at brag about it party.
    Julie at


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