1940's Head Scarf

One of the blogs I follow is Sewing, Vintage, Knitting from Anthea who, just like me, likes vintage clothes and makes a lot of them herself.  A couple of weeks ago I saw a nice head scarf at Anthea's blog, that I really wanted to make. Another blog I follow is The Vintage Pattern Files, with lots of free patterns from all times. I did some searching on head scarfs and found a pattern that looked almost exactly like what I was searching for. 

I didn't use the pattern, but it was just to get an idea of how to get started. Well, I started and this is how it turned out:

Instead of knitting two loose ends I made an infinity scarf.



My Felt Letters as well as my Cherry Heart are featured by Creative Jewish Mom!



  1. Would love to see you modeling this. The pattern looks like it would be super adorable.

  2. I agree, I can't work out a 1940's style without seeing it on your head. Visiting from Sew many ways

  3. very fun!! Thanks so much for linking up to Create Link Inspire!!

  4. cute idea! I found that vintage site too, totally awesome!

    1. Yes, that site is great! Thanks for visiting!

  5. Great job making a scarf without a pattern!


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