Everything for the Cat

Do you remember the Yarn Basket I made a while ago, to keep all the balls of yarn that were laying around the house in one place? 

When I was busy making it, my cat already showed excessive interest in it, but after it was finished he made it his home and only came out of it for food or business he had to do around the house (fighting off other cats in our garden, that means). Long story short: again I had no basket for my yarn. 


This is him, looking quite innocent, but this is a face he only has inside the house, when other cats can't see him.

Yes, you noticed it right: my cat has a very short tail. Lost in a fight, after another cat bit him and the tail got inflamed and necrotic and had to be amputated. Makes him even more The Tough Cat. And although you might think he has learned his lesson, he still can't get enough of fighting and comes home with blood, scratches and bite wounds. No lesson learned at all. 'What is mine, is mine' is his motto as it comes to his home, garden, street, the whole neighbourhood actually. Sometimes I see cats run away when they spot him behind the window, even when he's just looking outside.

Today I bought a new basket, so my cat could have the old one. I moved all the yarn to make it more comfortable for him. I couldn't wait to suprise him with the even better basket and put him in it. But, you know cats... No interest in the yarn basket anymore. Not at all. I love cats!


In this new basket you see a piece of the little blanket I'm busy with. It's a crochet along, but since I don't have the patience to wait every week for the pattern of the next four rows, I crocheted ahead a bit. You can find the pattern here:

Crochet Along 2014

 And this is the new situation concerning cats and baskets:

Both baskets in use, but not by me...


  1. Funny story of your cats and the baskets. Yes, cats do take over our possessions for their own pleasure.

    1. People with cats are servants in their own home :-) .

  2. Welke van die twee stinkt uit zijn bek? Laat eens raden: de witte vechtbaas.

    1. Die witte, in een keer goed! Je ziet het al aan zijn rabberige vacht. Ooit wit, maar steeds meer neigend naar geel.

  3. Your cats are cute! I can relate - I have 2 cats. I love your crochet along blanket - pretty colors. I am going to check out the link.

  4. Those pics of your cats are so cute. Nice baskets too!

  5. I am in the middle of making a yarn basket and my cat Mixie keeps sleeping in it :)

    1. So prepare: as soon as your basket is finished, it isn't yours anymore :-) !

  6. Yorkies do this, too! Funny post and I love your crochet blanket. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  7. When I saw this was a cat post, I had to come right over! They are so cute!! Sounds just like something my cats would do! Thanks for sharing it! :)

    1. Cats are just hilarious! Thanks for visiting!

  8. Oh my gosh, I love it! My cats have commandeered several of my crochet projects, too. They're so sweet, we just let them, don't we? I found you through Annemarie's Haakblog link party. I invite you and your followers to join mine as well at http://gocrochetcrazy.blogspot.de/2014/03/its-finally-friday-link-long-at-go_28.html

    1. Thanks for inviting me to your party, Mary! I always love to find new crochet parties and didn't know yours yet!

  9. Lovely basket...and blanket :-)

  10. Lovely basket!!! My sweet cat would love have one :) I must try make one! Thanks for sharing!
    Hope you’re having a great weekend:)
    Hugs from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

    1. Thanks for visiting! Hope you had a grerat weekend, too!

  11. Too funny.....and cute!! I use a wicker basket for my knitting and so far my kitty only tried once to get in....I was there and gave her a stern warning. So far so good!

    1. My cats just don't care about warnings, haha!

  12. I had to come and visit. I have 3 cats so I know how they are :-) A laundry basket with warm cloths seems to delight them! That's too bad kitty lost part of his tail. Obviously you've created the perfect sized cat beds and didn't even know it!

    1. Maybe I have to create one for the other one, too, so I have at least one basket for myself :-) !

  13. Cats are funny we got new blankets at x-mas and frankie tried to take them over visiting from much a do monday thanks for sharing have a great day.

  14. HA HA! Cats are so funny. I like the way you made a hole in the side of your basket for your cat's tail. Very thoughtful. LOL Kathy

    1. Well, I didn't make that hole especially for his tail. Actually it's a handle, that I made on both sides. It's my cat who found out the basket is even more comfortable if he let's his (rest) tail hang out :-) .

  15. cats are the most adorably disagreeable creatures that's for sure. Guess it's time for basket number 3!

    1. I couldn't live without cats in my house!

    2. Guess what Liz!! We did a round up of the Snickerdoodle Sunday Fab Links from April and this post is in it! http://2crochethooks.com/snickerdoodle-sunday-fab-links-round-april/

    3. Thanks for the feature! Love it!!

  16. That is so cute!! Thanks so much for linking this up to The Friday Frenzy!

  17. Hilarious! I feel your pain. I find the solution is to fill it to the absolute brim so there is no room for the cat...although he takes his revenge by actually stealing completed projects if I don't hide them...

    1. My cat just takes out my yarn, so he can lay down more comfortably. You see, I'm not the one who is in charge in my own house, haha!


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