
When I was about seven years old, I got my first parakeet. A lot of parakeets followed to replace one another, due to our four cats.
The last one I had could escape after his cage was accidentally knocked over by me, while I took him outside to enjoy the nice weather. After that, it was enough.
But while birds really are not my favorites in the world of fauna, I have a bit (a tiny bit) of a soft spot for this noisy, mess making birds. The crocheted type is a better alternative.

You can find this pattern here!


This week two of my projects were featured by Creative Jewish Mom!

Thank you, Sara!


  1. Congrats featuring. Parakeet is cute!!!!

  2. What a cute crocheted parakeet!

  3. That is adorable!! I so need to learn the art of crochet!! :)

  4. This parakeet is so cute! Great reminder for those childhood memories. Thank you so much for sharing at our Yarn Fanatic Party :)

  5. Adorable, and yes I love birds too, but the crocheted version is a lot cleaner. My 11 year old is begging for a bird, and doesn't understand after all the birds we've had that have escaped or gotten attacked by cats why I wouldn't want one, not to mention those messy cages! Would much prefer some rabbits at this point! Thanks for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!

  6. The bird is so cute, love it <3


  7. Wow you are so talented to just come up with that! Brought back memories of the bird we used to have. It got out one day by accident and flew up into a tree that we knew a raccoon lived in and we haven't seen it sense. Sorry... for that morbid story. Anyways thanks for sharing on Talented Tuesday!
    Take Care,


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