Deer Skirt

This Saturday my little niece has her birthday. I made this skirt for her. Hopefully she (but especially her mother, because she’s the one who has to put it on) likes little deers! Actually it's two skirts: a black one with an application of a deer and a red underskirt with ruffles. 


As you may know by now I love watching movies. Last week I saw Thelma and Louise again and it’s still my favorite in the ‘road movie’ genre. Made me think of what is my Top 5 of favorite road movies.

1.      Thelma & Louise – about two women who find freedom in traveling around the country and don’t want to give it up, for nothing and no one

2.      The Straight Story – about a man who wants to visit his dying brother; he doesn’t have a car, so he takes his lawnmower

3. The World’s Fastest Indian – about Burt Munro, who has a fast Indian (motorcycle) and travels from New Zealand to Bonneville, Utah, to race the tracks

4. Transamerica –about a transsexual who has approval from her therapist for her sex change operation, on condition that she tells her son, who doesn’t know her yet, she is his father

5. Easy Rider – old one about two bikers traveling around the country on their bikes

Maybe you know other road movies you can recommend? I would love to hear from you! Thanks in advance!!


  1. I have not been to a movie in years. I would enjoy those you have selected.

    1. Hi, LV! How are you? Maybe you can watch movies at home? I can really recommend the movies I mentioned.

  2. well, there are all those Chevy Chase Vacation movies ... and Little Miss Sunshine ....

    that skirt is cute, cute, cute!

    1. Thanks for the compliment about the skirt!

      I love Little Miss Sunshine! The Chevy Chase movies I don't know, but I will check them out! Thank you! Liz

  3. Skirt? Why that's super cute! That little deer is just so precious.

  4. The skirt is so adorable! I'm sure your neice will treasure it. Happy Pink Saturday. ~Marti

    1. Thank you, Marti! Happy Pink Saturday! Liz

  5. Sweet and gorgeous pink!

    My Pink, have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks! Just linked up to Colorful Connection! Liz

  6. That's a pretty skirt! Thanks for joining Color Connection. Would you mind putting the meme badge in your pos please? So others can join too? Thanks!

  7. Super cute skirt! Thanks so much for stopping by to link up!

  8. Cute blog! I'm a new follower and I'd love to have you stop by my brand new blog and follow too:) My first link party/give-away is going right now and ends tonight at midnight. I hope you'll stop by and link up!

    1. Thank you, Kristin! I'm your newest follower and just linked up to your party. Liz

  9. So cute! I love the little deer applique- I am sure your niece loved it!! I would love if you would share this at Scout's Sweet Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Zoe! My niece was very happy with the skirt! I just shared two projects at your link party and mention your blog in the parties I link up to. Liz

  10. The skirt is so cute. I bet she will like it:)

    Visiting for color connection- hope you can stop by:)

  11. That skirt is super cute! We'd love for you to link it to our party!

  12. I absolutely love the skirt ( and Thelma and Louise lol although it makes me sad now as it reminds me of my best friend who is an ocean away lol)

    The deer is wonderful a perfect addition to the skirt :)

    1. Thanks, Jami! Sorry to hear your friend lives so far away, but fortunatelyl today the world isn't so big anymore with the internet. Liz

  13. Cute skirt!! We loved having you at "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We hope to see you again soon! -The Sisters

  14. The skirt is adorable. Of course she will like it.
    As for the movies, I hadn't even heard about The Straight Story but will have to look it up and I forgot about TransAmerica that is one I wanted to see but it fell off my radar somewhere along the way. Thanks for the reminder and thank you for sharing your post on this week's BeColorful

    1. Thanks, Pam! You'll love The Straight Story! Liz

  15. cute skirt
    thanks for sharing on Serenity Saturday.
    hope to see you there again tomorrow

    Natasha xx

  16. Thanks and see you tomorrow!

  17. I like the idea of the skirt plus the underskirt. Looks great with the red peeking out from underneath.


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