
Recently I painted our living room over in grey and white and since a lot of accessories don’t match those colors anymore, I’m busy making things to redecorate. Last year I bought this beautiful plate in Istanbul, but because it didn’t really look nice on the terracotta colored wall we had before, it laid in a kitchen cabinet until now.

To have more things in the same color combination I cross stitched this little home sign. 
The pattern for it I found at Kinkavel Krosses.


Vanessa of NiftyThrifty Things and Jill of A Round Tuit both have featured my Reindeer

Thank you very much, Vanessa and Jill!!


  1. What a lovely plate! And I am always so impressed with the beauty of cross stitching...although not something I can do. My m-i-l however is amazing at it and I hope it's an art she'll pass on to my girls.
    Congrats on your features!

    1. Thank you, Marty! Yes, the plate is beautiful, they make gorgeous things in Turkey! Thanks for leaving such a nice comment!

  2. Gorgeous bowl you have there!! And you're so welcome for the feature!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. I love your little home sign. I'm envious of anyone that can do needle work!

  4. They all look great against the gray background!

  5. I enjoyed seeing all your pretty things from around the world.

  6. That's the main reason that I won't paint my walls any color but white or cream! Although it would be quite fun to collect all new accessories. That plate really pops against the gray wall!
    Happy REDnesday,

    1. Yes, I think it looks beautiful against the gray wall, too! And I love painting my walls, it's so Zen, haha!

  7. What a beautiful picture to cross-stitch! I'm sure it looks lovely on your newly painted walls. Thanks for sharing at Hookin On Hump Day!

  8. Your cross stitch is fantastic! so beautiful. It makes me want to learn how to cross stitch.

    1. Cross stitch is very easy, it only takes some patience. Thanks for visiting!

  9. Thank you so much for stopping in and sharing your awesome homey crafts in our Crafty Showcase http://bowdabrablog.com/2012/12/01/saturday-showcase-craft-project-linky-9/ this week! We love seeing what you have been up to and visiting your blog.

    Have a wonderful week!

    Susie @Bowdabra

  10. Great cross stitch picture and the colours in the plate are lovely. Good looking reindeer no wonder he was featured!

  11. needlework is my nemesis, I love your reindeer and your beautiful plate, what a treasure!


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