My X-mas Tree

And after all the X-mas trees you probably already saw, this one is mine:

As you could read before, I've been busy crocheting snowflakes and now you can see where they did go: there all in my tree!


This week my X-mas Reindeer is featured by Feather's Flights!

Thank you, Heather!

Creative Sewing Blog


  1. I think it is great you took the time to make your ornaments. You think your tree is decorated differently, I do not even have one.

  2. Many thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! Merry Cristmas!

  3. Your Christmas tree is looking great! I love the snowflakes together with the white baubles. We will decorate our Christmas tree not before Christmas Eve, although I would prefer to do it earlier! :)
    Merry Christmas!!!

  4. I love your Christmas tree. And it is very important to me that it is a Christmas tree since it is the birth of Christ we celebrate..

  5. Beatiful snowflakes. My sis sent me a lovely one from Ireland last year and still want to try it myself.

  6. What terrifically pretty crocheted ornaments. Your tree is very pretty, dear gal, thank you for sharing it with us.

    Happiest holiday wishes!
    ♥ Jessica

  7. Your tree looks fabulous with all those snowflakes! Great work!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

    1. Thanks again for sharing another creative idea!

      Merry Christmas,
      Staff at Bowdabra

  8. I love your ornaments! I hope to do the very same thing next year.

    TracyAnn from and


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