Paper Cat

My daughters of 7 and 4 have their summer vacation ('Vacation again?!', you might think, and that's exactly what I think every four weeks (more or less) when they have at least five days off again; kids here in The Netherlands have about twelve weeks of vacation in a year), so again I have to think about entertainment every day. But today was my lucky day, because I got an idea served on a silver platter!
Since my oldest daughter's birthday is in a couple of weeks, I was searching for some nice presents (because what to ask if you already have everything?). I came along a picture of folded animals and when I searched for a whole book with folded animals, I came along a website where one can print such animals! Even better: for free! Great idea to fill some of this ocean of vacation days ahead!
Tonight I made this one for my daughter as an example. If you're out of children's entertainment ideas, too, you can find the animals here. Besides cats, there are bunnies, dogs and pinguins.


Two of my pillows were featured!!

Busy Fingers, Busy Life and Creative Jewish Mom both featured my Shiny Stars Pillow!

The Cottage Market featured my Harlequin Tapestry Pillow!

Thanks, Barbara, Sara and Andrea!!


  1. Crazy cute paper cat! Oh my gosh, that is really, really darling. I went though a massive "kawaii" period in my early to mid-twenties and though I don't focus on items that fall under that heading quite as much these days, I still love anything kawaii/cute like this cat in general.

    Off to go check out the link for the tutorials. Thanks so much for sharing it!

    Big hugs & happy start of August wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

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  3. Absolutely adorable cat! Thank you for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest board.

  4. Haha this made me chuckle--it's so cuuuute! *squeals*

    Thanks for linking up to our Betwitchin Party! Be sure to come back every Sunday starting at 6am EST over at to link up your projects again!


~Cathy Mini~

  5. So cute! I'll have to pass the idea along to my friends with kids. Visiting from Create It Thursday!

  6. Super cute! My girl's will love these! Thanks for sharing on Sunday FUNday!

  7. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing at the Bloggers Brag Pinterest Party.


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