Dream Catcher for Kids

Since I  told my daughters about dream catchers and what they are for they seemed to have nightmares e-ve-ry night and really, really, REALLY needed a dream catcher. And because they were pretty convinced the nightmares would stop as soon as they had a dream catcher in their bed, I better could make one as soon as possible. Being the sweet mom that I am, I immediately started, of course. 

The oldest needed a red one, the youngest really had to have a pink one. 



My Pink Vase was featured this week by Creative Jewish Mom!

Thanks, Sara!!


  1. Love your dream catchers, I knew immediately that it had to be yours just from the photo! thanks so much for sharing on craft schooling sunday.

    1. Wow, I take that as a compliment. Means I have something like 'my own style'! Thanks, Sara!

  2. These are very pretty. Did they work? ☺

  3. What a nice mom you are!! Thank you for sharing your dream catchers with us at Merry Monday!

  4. I found these through the Yarn Fanatic Party - They're fantastic, great job!
    Jenny from crochetistheway.blogspot.com

  5. Pretty! I'd like one in light blue to go with my daughter's Frozen themed room! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!

  6. Very pretty I love dream catchers, thanks for linking :) x

  7. This is just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing on Found & Foraged.

  8. These are beautiful! How are they working for them?! Thanks so much for taking the time to link up with us over at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again next week! Feel free to bring a friend :)

    1. They told me they never have scary dreams anymore, so guess the dream catchers do a great job!

  9. Gaaaaf!!! Heel leuk gedaan en mooie nieuwe layout van je blog :)
    Dank je wel voor het meedoen aan de linkparty!


    1. Dank je, Barbara! Je moet af en toe wat anders, he, haha!

  10. Liz, thanks for sharing this at Five Star Frugal. I just love the colours and the tassel really adds a little 'something' to the more traditional feathers and beads. Your girls having nightmares just to get one of your gorgeous dream catchers makes me smile all over :)

  11. Very cute! Hope the little ones don't have anymore nightmares!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Talented Tuesday Link Party, hope to see you again this week!

  12. Adorable! The dream catcher was one of our Most Clicked projects from the Yarn Fanatic Linky Party #26. It is featured in this week's party - http://eyeloveknots.blogspot.com/2015/03/yarn-fanatic-linky-party-27.html.
    I am inspired to try to work up some dream catchers of my own for my nieces and nephews. Great idea!

  13. Beautiful Dream Catcher! Thanks for sharing at the Inspiration Spotlight Party! Hope to see you again soon. Shared...

  14. So pretty! I'd like to make some using embroidery hoops. Just gotta find the right doily center for them. :)


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