Homemade Lollypops

250 grams of granulated sugar
2 table spoons fructose
50 ml water
pear flavour
lolly sticks

What you do
Heat the sugar and water to 150 degrees in a thick bottom pan (measure with a kitchen thermometer; you can also drop some of the sugar in cold water, as it forms a hard piece the temperature of the sugar is perfect). Take the pan from the heater and drop 4 drops of pear flavouring in the sugar (or another flavour to your own taste). 

Let the sugar cool down a bit. In the meantime spread out lolly sticks. Drop some of the molten sugar on the top of a stick and spread some sprinkles on it.

That's it! 


  1. Freeform pops!! Love 'em. Your friend, Linda PINNED also.

  2. It would be so much fun to make your own pops! We tried this with melted Jolly Ranchers once, toO!

  3. Pear flavour sounds divine Liz! Love these. It's Spring vacation here so these are on the to-do list. Thanks for sharing at Five Star Frugal. Mimi xxx

  4. They look wonderful and I love the idea of making up the flavours #CreativeMonday

  5. Those look amazing! Thanks for the recipe.


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