Baby Espadrilles

For a colleague, who delivered a little girl, I made a Star Mobile a couple of weeks ago, but my oldest daughter loved the mobile so much, that I had a change of plans. I gave the mobile to my daughter and made a pair of espadrilles for my colleague's baby girl.


My Plumerias were featured this week by Pieced Pastimes, by The Linky Ladies, by Across the Boulevard and by Scrapality!


Thank you, Suzanne, Linky Ladies, Beverly&Gloria and Andrea!


  1. SWEET. Just loving how cute they are! Pinned to my crochet board also. Best wishes, Linda @Crafts a la mode

  2. These are so cute! This is the kind of item you never give away. My daughter is now 20, but I sill have a few of her things that I will never give away. I'm sure your co-worker will love a cherish them.

  3. Such cute little shoes! They're perfect!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ The Submarine Sunday Link Party

  4. These are just adorable and you did a great job making them.
    Thanks for sharing this at Cooking and Crafting with J & J. :)

  5. How sweet are these baby espadrilles !!!

  6. thank you for sharing at my link up

  7. Oh my Goodness these are adorable! You amaze me every time with your creations! Pinned!

  8. Oh my sweet cuteness! I want a pair in my size. We so appreciate you joining the Thoughts of Home on Thursday gathering. May you have a delightfully lovely weekend.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. These are ADORABLE!!!
    Thank you for sharing with #FiberTuesday link party!


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