Tunisian Crochet Feathers

From the moment I saw this beautiful Tunisian Crochet Feathers made by Poppy and Bliss I wanted to make them. Due to a lot of other projects that I had to finish first, it didn't happen, but this weekend I finally had some time to make them. 

You can find the pattern here


The Lemon Poppy Seed Cookies I made last week, were featured by The Cottage Market!!

Thank you very much, Andrea!

And my other recipe, the one for Saffron Peach Ice Tea, was featured by Scrapality, by Strawberry Butterscotch and by The Stitchin' Mommy!

Thank you, Andrea, Anna and Amy!


  1. Lovely Liz, I fell in love with these when I saw them last week. I'm definitely going to give them a try sometime.

  2. This is such a fab idea. Lovely colours too.

  3. That pattern popped up on Ravelry and caught my eye too! I am just waiting for a few spare moments to be able to create them! Yours are so pretty! I love that you put them on a dreamcatcher!
    Congrats on your features!

  4. Super cute! I have a friend that is decorating their nursery in a boho theme and I think I am going to make that mobile for part of their baby shower gift.

    Lisa at Dreams and Caffeine


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