Linking up



 Between Naps on the Porch

Threading My Way 
Pam's Party & Practical Tips
Pieced Pastimes

  Life and Linda


  1. Hello. I am following your blog for quite a while. Therefore I have nominated you for The Dragon's Loyalty Award. See my latest post for the details if you want to accept the award. Thank you for inspiring and teaching me. Keep up the good work. Happy Blogging. With Love Ruta :)

    1. Sorry for this late reaction, but somehow I missed your comment. Thank you very much for nominating me. I feel very honored, but I guess I have to say 'Thanks, but no thanks'. Not that I don't appreciate your nomination, but I think there are a lot of bloggers out there who deserve an award just as much as I do or don't, because we all put so much effort and love in our blogs. Hope you will understand me, because I really do appreciate it!

      Love and Hugs,

  2. Really love all the outfits they are so beautiful. You look fabulous.


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