Crochet Pineapple

When I think of summer, I especially think of certain fresh fruits. Fresh pineapple is one of them. 

Pineapple reminds me of several vacations in Florida, when we ate pineapple almost every day; while driving to The Keys, while sitting in a park in St Augustine, while sun bathing at Cocoa Beach, after running at South Beach, while watching rockets in Cape Canaveral, after kayaking in The Everglades. Oh, I just love Florida. I've been to a lot of States, but Florida is definitely one of my favorites!


Our five months old Flemish Giant Haasje (meaning Little Hare, my daughter (5) named him that) went outside today for the first time in his life. The little animal went wild from happiness and ran around in circles all the time. Now he's back in his indoor cage and totally worn out. So much joy, he can nearly stand it!


  1. Your crochet pineapple is very good, but not near as tasty. The Hawaii ones are the best to me.

    1. You're totally right about that, the Hawaiian's are the best! But I didn't eat them much in Hawaii for some reason. I always went to Jamba Juice there, to get a large fresh orange juice.

  2. I love your crochet pineapple, and so recognisable how things can bring back memories.

    Haasje is zooooo schattig! Hopelijk wordt het snel weer beter weer zodat hij weer naar buiten kan.

    1. Haha, nooit gedacht dat ik het zou zeggen over een konijn (mijn dochtertje heeft hem voor haar verjaardag gekregen), maar ik vind Haasje ook helemaal geweldig! Dacht altijd dat een konijn in een hok zat en dat was het verder, maar ze zijn heel interactief en je hebt er echt een leuk huisdier aan.

  3. Hi there! Visiting from Making Memories Monday. Your pineapple and hare are super cute!

  4. Your pineapple looks good enough to eat! They are quite refreshing to enjoy during warm or beachy activities. I live in Florida, and don't eat as much Pineapple as I think you do on vacation but it is nice and refreshing every once and a while to go to the beach and get a beverage with pineapple or to stop and get a fresh one at the market.
    Can't believe you went kayaking in the Everyglades! You brave soul. I would not be caught there - no way. I am too afraid of the alligators.
    And your hare is just the cutest little thing! My cat, Shiloh, is mostly an indoor cat whom I let out in the mornings/early afternoons to enjoy a little sun, grass under his paws and to hunt for lizards. He just LOVES going out there. That's what he looks forward to all night, and is what he thinks about the minute he comes back inside. Animals are so cute, and funny.

    1. I'm from the Netherlands and just love your country and its beautiful nature! Especially The Everglades, because nowhere in the world I saw nature like that. I even love the alligators, haha! I'm more afraid of the water snakes.
      We have two cats, too, but they can go in and out whenever they feel like. Now that the weather is warmer, I only see them when they want to eat, but they're gone most of the time. But that's what I like about cats: their indepence.

      Thanks for your nice comment!

  5. How cute is that Pineapple?! Love the bunny too. Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty - we hope to see you again next week. :)

    Life With Lorelai

  6. This is cute. Liz, have you seen that pineapple bag pattern on our blog. You will love it, and it's free. Use the search box to find it, as I don;t know the URL by heart. + Thank you so much for linking your celebration up at SHARE IT sunday linky party. It's great that you are partying with us! I hope to see more and more of your work!! Have a good week! ~ Rose


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