Mexican Alebrijes

A while ago my daughters and I went to see Coco, the Pixar animation movie about a little boy who wants to find his dead father in the after-world. The movie has the Dia de los Muertos as a theme. We all three loved the movie, even more: I think this children's movie is the best movie of 2017! 

Besides all sorts of varieties on the Calavera Margarita, there were a lot of other typical Mexican things included in the movie. One of them were alebrijas, fantasy animals from Oaxaca that are painted in bright colors. Before the movie I had never heard of alebrijas, but as soon as they appeared on the screen I knew I wanted to make them with my daughters. 

My daughters have one of their many school vacations this week and fortunately there's a craft store around the corner were paper mache animals are sold. We all found an animal that we liked, bought new paint also, and so it happened that at least one vacation day was filled (besides that we went skating, YAY, because finally, finally, fi-nal-ly we were able to skate on natural ice and since we are Dutch that's what we were all looking forward to for a couple of soft winter years). Back to the alebrijes now: this is what we made!


  1. He is fabulous. I've not heard of an alebrijes. I have seen trailers for the film and I can quite see how this little fellow would fit right in. #CreativeMonday

  2. I'm so glad you got to go skating! I had heard of the film Coco but didn't know what it was about - I'll have to try and see it. Your Alebrijes are so cute - you and your daughters did a wonderful job of painting them. Thank you so much for bringing this post to the Hearth and Soul Link Party, Liz!

  3. I've not seen the film Coco as my kids are all grown up now, but it sounds fun. These creatures you've painted are lovely.


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