Bird Key Ring

In January my youngest daughter has her birthday, so it's about time to do some preparations. Little presents have to be made that she can treat in Kindergarten, The Dress has to be made (I think we reached an agreement this week involving the fabric and pattern), we need decorations, I saw a really nice Birthday Necklace and I think my littlest wants a crown, too. Besides the Birthday Stuff I also want to make some Christmas Tree Decorations in the next couple of weeks, so busy times ahead again. But..., the first thing is done: the little Presents! I made some cute Bird Key Ring. I found this idea in a little book called Fimo for All, but I think it's only available in Dutch. ~*~ More birdnews: my Crochet Turkey was featured by JAQS Studio , by Busy Fingers, Busy Life , The Better Half , 2 Crochet Hooks , Creatig my Way to Success and by Bacon Time with the Hungry Hypo ! Thanks, Q, Barbara, Kristina, Jocie, Jill and Mindie! ...