Hama Sugar Skull

 A couple of weeks I made some X-mas decoration with Hama Beads and I'm still a bit enthousiastic about the whole concept of melting beads together and making every nice decoration you like by doing so, so I searched on the internet for a pattern for another favorite of mine: the Sugar Skull. And I found one on Etsy, here. A real pretty one, actually. In just one cold and rainy afternoon I finished it. 

Matches really good with my Paper Cut Sugar Skull 

and my Cross Stitched Sugar Skull


  1. my bff loves these she would love this
    come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  2. Wow that is amazing. I didn't know you could do something so pretty with those little hama beads! Very impressive.

    1. Didn't know it either, until I saw this on pinterest! There are a lot of nice hama patterns out there! Thanks for visiting!

  3. Hi Liz, I love these! Sugar Skulls are one of my favorites too, they are so fun and full of color (I need to get a tattoo of one soon). Yours are really well done and so creative, love all the different mediums you've used. Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. This is so much fun!! Pretty sculls!

  5. I love your Sugar Skull so much! I have bad memories of hama beads though my kids ruined my iron when they made stuff out of them. Thanks so much for sharing. Linking up with Hookin on Hump Day. Happy New Year!

    1. Haha, can't leave anything around or it will fall in the hands of your kids and than it's ruined. I know all about that!


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