Yarn Basket

Whenever I'm busy with crochet or knitting projects, there are plastic bags full of yarn laying around every where in the living room. Not exactly living room eye candy, so it was about time that I made a basket to keep all the balls of yarn together. 

It's made from T-shirt yarn that I crocheted together with normal cotton yarn to make it a bit more colorful.

Well, at least my cat likes it.



  1. Hi, I have the same problem as you! Lol! I love the yarn basket you made and I love the color too. You did a great job and at some point I will try to make one too. Thanks for sharing this at crafts a la mode.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  2. Aww, your kitty is so adorable! No matter what kind of craft project I've done over the years, my tabby girl (Stella) has always come to investigate and lend a helping paw, too. :)

    Have a beautiful weekend, dear Liz!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. Haha, my cats is a he, but he loves the girly projects especially. I love the name Stella!

  3. Your basket came out great. You can never have/make too many of those :-)

  4. too cute! Did you follow a pattern?

    1. Thank you! No, no pattern. I just made a circle with one ball and then stopped increasing stitches.

  5. Liz, you and your blog are cute as a bug in a rug, as my grandmother used to say! I saw this very creative basket of yours over at Snickerdoodle Sunday! ♥

    1. That's a real nice compliment, Joy!! Thanks a lot!

  6. That is beautiful Liz. The cotton yarn really does make it pop! Great use for those old tshirts. Thanks for linking it up to Snickerdoodle sunday.

  7. Your basket looks great, I thought you were perhaps a visitor of Liz's blog. I've made several of her baskets, I'm not clever enough to make my own pattern up lol.

    Peg x

    1. No, I don't know Liz, haha! A pattern like this is very easy to make up. Just increase your stitches every round until you think you have a big enough circle. Then stop increasing and crochet on until you think your basket is high enough.

  8. What a good idea - I like how you combined it with some cotton. Baskets were just made for cats huh?


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