What to wear with...

...my DIY Circle Skirt!

Black Circle Skirt (Made by Me)
Turquoise Shirt (Hysteric Glamour - not recently)
Red Mary Janes (Primark - this year)
Red&White Bag (V&D - this year, not available anymore)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Red is one of my favorites, too (together with black and green).

  2. Oooo I love the shoes, are they in stores now at Primark?

    1. I bought them last spring, but could be they still have them.

  3. Very, very cute!!! On days when I'm in the mood to inject a bit more of a modern vibe into my vintage attire, I often sport cute or quirky (e.g., my "Better call Saul" t-shirt from the show Breaking Bad) tee with my 50s circle skirts, too. It's comfy, fun combo that's also great for it you're going to be sitting for a long time while traveling.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thanks for your sweet as ever comment, Jessica!

  4. What a cute outfit, and I love that you made the skirt yourself. Thanks for linking it up to Snickerdoodle Sunday!


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