I Love Saturdays

Don't you? 

What I love about our saturdays:
* Going to the market in the morning
 with my girls to buy flowers and fresh fruit*

* Making something delicious for lunch, 
like Club Sandwiches *

* Baking something sweet for dessert, 
like a Crumble (click here for recipe) *

* Drinking caffee latte and hot chocolate
 in the afternoon at the coffee bar near by *

* Watching movies until late in the evening *
Want to make Club Sandwiches, too?

This is what you need for two:
6 slices of bread
2 chicken breast filets
100 grams of bacon slices
50 grams of rucola

This is what you need to do:

Cut the chicken breast in thin slices and bake until done.
Bake bacon until crispy.
Toast slices of bread

Smear mayonaise on the first slice of bread. 
Cover with chicken breast.
Then another slice of bread
More mayonaise
The third slice of bread
Stick a cocktail pick in it to keep all ingredients in place
And then: eat! Yummie!!

Happy Saturday!!


  1. Club Sandwiches are cool, but I personally prefer use some kind of butter or special sauce. It's very difficult to find a healthy pack of mayonnaise. And thank you for books recommendation. Definitely should check it out!

    1. Actually they are movies, haha! For a healthier version of mayonaise you can use yogonaise instead of regular mayonaise (that's made with yoghurt). Have a great Easter!

  2. Beautiful Roses, so much detail.
    Popping over from Creative Monday blog hop.

  3. YES!!!! I love Saturdays and nothing pressing to get done!!!!!
    “hugs” Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  4. What a wonderful Saturday! Your rose is gorgeous.

  5. I love the markets for fresh produce and gorgeous flowers too Liz! Your roses are divine and the club sandwiches...well...YUMMMMM! Saw you at My Romantic Home and couldn't resist a peek at your lovely rose...Mimi..xxx

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment, Mimi! Have a great weekend!

  6. Sounds like a perfect Sat. & lovely lunch recipe. Those flowers are gorgeous!! Hope your having a lovely week! Thanks for sharing at the party @DearCreatives

    1. Thanks, Theresa! Great week to you, too!


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