King's Day Cake

As told earlier this week, when showing you the orange crown that I crocheted for King's Day, worn by our bunny, it's King's Day today in The Netherlands. King's Day is celebrated on the birthday of the king. The whole country turns orange, from clothes to balloons and from food to decoration, sometimes variated with red/white/blue. The surname of the king is Van Oranje, which means from orange, and the colors red, white and blue come from the Dutch flag, which from top to bottom is striped red, white and blue. 

My 8 year old daughter really wanted to bake a cake for today and made her own design: orange on the outside and red, white and blue layers on the inside. On top she wanted to have red, white and blue vanes and orange banners.

I just helped her a little bit here and there, but she made it mostly all by herself! Love it!

Three layers of biscuit
Vanilla buttercream


  1. Liz, this is such a gorgeous cake, truly fit for a King! I saw the photographs in the news of the Kings Day celebrations, what fun it must be. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful creation, and for being a part of the Hearth ands Soul Link Party.


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