Presents Wrapping

When I was young my parents always rented a movie box when we were off from school for Christmas and we watched movies almost all vacation long. As a family we developed a collection of favorite movies in that vacations. Our all time favorite was Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It still is one of my favorite movies ever.When I was about twenty the boyfriend I had then was a dj and made some records for Outland Records (a record store in Amsterdam). On one of the records he used a sample from the movie Close Encounters, as an ode to my family. That was and is how much we love that movie. 

For all time sake we thought it would be nice to do it all over this year. Christmas Eve will be the night we go to my brother and his wife to watch the movies of our youth with the whole family. We will all bring our favorite food to put on a grazing board, so none of us has a lot of work making food and such. We will eat while watching and in between the movies we will unpack Christmas presents. I'm so looking forward to it.

Anyway, today I started to wrap the presents that weren't packed in the stores where I bought them. Here are some ideas:

For my daughter Reva I made a 'Faux Snow Present'. Inbetween a layer of brown paper and a layer of transparant foil I put a little hand full of faux snow, so it can still move around. Before I put the layers together I stamped on the brown paper

merry christmas, reva

For my nephew I hooked a little reindeer to embellish one of his presents.

You can find the Reindeer pattern here.

For my  other daughter and my niece I embellished their presents with a candy cane pencil


The Mug that I made last week was featured by Scrapality!

Thank you, Andrea!


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