3D Star

Now that Sint Maarten deliverd lots of candies and sweets and Sinterklaas has brought his presents and is off to Spain again until next year, it's time for the next holiday: Christmas. This weekend I will set up the Christmas Tree with my daughters. We also have a 'Carols from Scrap' saturday, when there are two choirs formed, one for children and one for adults, that will practice carols for the whole day. At the end of the day both choirs will peform at church. Very good way to get in the mood for Christmas. 

I started to make some Christmas Decorations this week. 

From gold colored straws I made this star:

I got this idea from Etsy, where you also can buy complete kits to make these so called Himmeli's yourself


  1. That's really clever, it's hard to believe it's made from straws!
    The Carolling day sounds amazing.


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