How To Train Your Dragon's Toothless

If you have younger kids, chances are high you know the movie 'How To Train Your Dragon'. My youngest daugher is nine and she talks about one Toothless almost the whole day through. Toothless is a dragen, without teeth apparantly, and has the lead role in the before mentioned movie. I must say: he's an adoreble little dragon; black, with green eyes, and cute little wings. And he can spit fire.

As a surprise I bought a crochet pattern of Toothless to make for my daughter. 


The Little Llama that I made a couple of weeks ago is featured by Ginx Crafts!

Thank you very much!


  1. He is so cute! My youngest son is obsessed with the movies and has lots of toothless paraphernalia all around (as well as a few How to Train Your Dragon costumes from a couple of Halloween's).

  2. So cute! We love How to Train your Dragon, too, and my kids would love this Toothless!

  3. What a great mum you are! He is super cute. My kids are all grown ups know but I am vaguely aware of the How to train your dragon thing. :-)

  4. OMG this is the cutest thing ever! I couldn't crochet to save my life (I knit :) ) but I might just pass this on to my sister-in-law who can. My daughter would love this!!

  5. Oh, he's the cutest dragon even! Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party. Pinned!

  6. No younger kids around here! My son's 28 and I'm 54, and we are great fans of the How to Train Your Dragon movies. I suppose I've never aged past 10 years old mentally, if we're to be perfectly honest.

  7. oh wow! thats really cute. Thanks for joining us on Bloggers Pit Stop - Pit Stop Crew


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