Spring Cake

This weekend my husband's whole family came over for eating, drinking and chatting. Although we had a week of rain every single day, spring is definitely in the air. Flowers and trees are not blooming yet, but it won't be long before they will. I made a delicious Spring Cake, vanilla cake with caramel cream, decorated with Chocolate Flowers, Easter Eggs and  Caramel Crumbs. Do you know anyone who doesn't like caramel? I don't. 


The Llama that I made last week was featured by Creative Jewish Mom and The Blogger's Life Style!

Thank you, Sara and Kathleen!


  1. Seguramente delicioso, a la vista ya lo es
    Eli R.

  2. What a perfect springtime cake! I bet it was totally delicious! :)

  3. It looks beautiful. I love caramel!
    We've had a lot of rain here too but spring feels like it's just round the corner now :-)

  4. What a beautiful spring cake! It's perfect for entertaining. I'm glad you had a nice time with your family, Liz. Thank you for sharing, and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party. I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  5. This looks so yummy! I love cakes :). Spring is arriving here too so I might try this cake over weekend and eating in the patio with coffee (wishful thinking?)

  6. Your cake looks amazing and looks like it would be delicious. Cute llama and nice it got featured.

  7. Lovely decoration. Thanks for joining in Bloggers Pit Stop - Pit Stop Crew

  8. What a beautiful cake perfect for Spring! Featuring when my link party opens up tonight.

  9. Looks like a fun cake with a lot of nice goodies on top.


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