Made It! #30

~ I love Pinterest and would like to make a recipe of my boards every week. Since I have lots of recipes pinned (that, until now, I just pinned and only that), I hope this will be a way to reduce the amount of pins on my boards ~

The semifreddo was a hit! Delicious because of the strawberries, and it has a bite because of the pieces of white chocolate and pistachios. And not even that much work to make! Really a keeper for summer.


A couple of weeks ago some friends of mine came over to eat diner with us and as a present one of them took a bread pudding. I hadn't eat bread pudding in years, but it was so delicious that I decided to make one more often. 
Today I bought blueberries and because they're a bit sour, I want to use them in a Blueberrie Bread Pudding. I will use this recipe for it. Tell you the result next week!


  1. My Pinterest are getting a bit cluttered to with all the wonderful ideas and recipes out there. Great idea to at least try and make something every week and I love your new look BTW ;-)

  2. Two great recipes! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!

  3. This looks like a lovely desert, good luck reducing your pinterest boards!

  4. Looks delicious. Good luck on the Pinterest boards. I need to do the same.

  5. where in the world is the recipe for the 1st one???? I went to the website link tiny print below the pic - can't find the recipe there - went to ur Pinterest boards link above - can't find the recipe there - WHAT A ROYAL HASSLE!!

    1. Thank you for pointing out to me that I forgot to add the link to the recipe. It's done, but the recipe I used is in Dutch. For English version google for semifreddo to find the ice recipe. The other ingredients (in my recipe it's strawberries, pistachios, white chocolate and nectarines) you can add to your own choice.


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